The first stone was laid in 1855 and the finished church consecrated on Friday 17th October 1856. The architect was Ewan Christian (1814-1895) who designed about 40 new churches and restored nearly 150 other churches. The total building cost was £1,890. The following description was printed in the Essex and West Suffolk Gazette the week after consecration.
“The edifice is plain and neat and is built in the early English decorated style, surmounted by a bell turret and spire. The extreme length of the church is about 75 feet and the width 45 feet. The external walls are faced with red brick, with grey bricks worked in bands, and the windows are ornamented with dressings of Caen stone. The interior comprises a nave with two aisles , with a vaulted roof; and the chancel terminates with a circular apse in which is situated the communion table. In the apse are five painted windows, .......”